Pennypack Preschool
The Pennypack Preschool is located on the grounds of the Lord's New Church. It is nestled within the Pennypack Preserve.
Children seem particularly attuned to nature and the changing seasons. Spending time exploring nature both indoors and out highlights the consistency of the seasons, providing an assurance that the Lord is leading. We include a daily worship to learn age-appropriate Bible stories and concepts. Projects are designed to support these stories and our love of nature. It is our hope that we can inspire every child in our care with the love of learning new ideas and a delight in learning with and from each other. We understand a child's need to feel safe and nurtured, and will provide gentle leadership within a space that is designed to appeal to their aesthetic sensibility. It may look to them like a "big kids" school, but it will feel a lot like home. Individual and group activities are planned each day. Opportunities for play are at the heart of these activities. We are open five days per week. Our morning program for 3-to-5-year-olds runs from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. We have an afternoon program from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Please visit us at our website to find out more about our programs. We are open to all. |